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Agency Head Salary Commission
Performance Evaluation

Planning Stage Instructions

In completing the planning phase of the evaluation process, the agency head will meet with the board/commission (Governor or designee) to propose the objectives and standards for success he/she will meet in the upcoming year.  The board/commission (Governor or designee) will accept, reject, modify, and discuss the agency head's proposed objectives and success criteria. Success criteria is a statement of conditions that will exist when a duty or responsibility has been satisfactorily met. The success criteria must include the expected actions, timeframes, frequency, costs, quantities or other appropriate and specific measures and business results that will enable the agency head and evaluators to agree on expected outcomes and recognize when these outcomes have been satisfactorily achieved.

When acceptable objectives are identified, the board/commission (Governor or designee) will complete the planned objectives on the evaluation document and review them with the agency head. Signatures will be obtained and the original will be retained by the board/commission (Governor or designee) for completion at the end of the evaluation period. 

State Fiscal Accountability Authority
P.O. Box 12444  |  Columbia, SC 29211